What Is Wilder Foods?


Looking after our natural environment is fundamental to us being able to grow food. Both at the level of the relationships between plants, animals, fungi, microbes, and then the bigger picture - seasons, weather, and long-term climate. Sustainability is the practise of protecting this environment in which we all live.

At Wilder Foods, we don’t think we can solve everything, but take the approach of being a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.

We practice sustainability through using local Australian produce grown by regenerative farming – in recognition of the negative ecological impacts of industrialised agriculture and food miles.

We also love to upcycle food waste into new products. The development of these products is ongoing – there are some exciting things in store!

Natural flavour magic

It doesn’t take a chef to realise that the best flavours are those created by nature.

And some of the most celebrated of these natural flavours are the result of natural fermentation.

All the cheese - both vegan and non, beautifully crafted and aged wines, the yeasty aroma of fresh bread or hot doughnuts, the briny tang of olives, dill pickles from Poland, German sauerkraut, beer, kombucha,  All fermented. Then from Asia - soy sauce, miso, douchi, doubanjiang, sake, mirin, kimchi, gochujang, tempeh, sriracha.

Even coffee and cocoa beans go through a fermentation step. Complex and unique flavours, directly reflecting the complex natural processes behind them.

Image: David Alcer - https://fermentedaway.blogspot.com/

Chef-Driven Flavour Development

With a chef’s palate, and the drive to innovate, we apply traditional fermentation techniques - from Asia and Europe - to develop our products.

The twist is that through using locally grown, often non-traditional ingredients, we’ve created new products with flavour esters, natural umami  – deliciousness – which marry beautifully with how we eat in Australia - celebrating the best from every culture that has settled here.

Seasonings, condiments, breakfast spreads. And the most delicious fresh, ( never frozen! ) unique tempeh blends that you’ve ever tasted. “I don’t usually like tempeh – but I like yours!” is something we get all the time.

Using locally grown allows us to reduce food miles and support regenerative agriculture. Then with our recipe feed, we can help you to eat plant-based – better.